Big Bend Voting Rights Project

We are working to help Floridians use their voice in government. This site is under construction, some pages may be missing as we continue working hard to add more content

2,022 by 2022!

The Big Bend Voting Rights Project is a nonpartisan, organization of unpaid volunteers committed to registering to vote hard-to-reach nonvoters in North Florida and South Georgia. We accomplish this by walking door to door in neighborhoods with large numbers of unregistered voting-age adults; we walk to every house. In 2019 and 2020, we completed 1,030 registrations in Florida and, during its U.S. Senate runoff election, 165 registrations in Georgia.

Leading up to the 2022 primary and general elections in both states, our goal is 2,022 registrations – thereby our slogan, “2,022 by 2022!” This is despite new state voter suppression laws in Florida and Georgia to prevent citizens from exercising their precious right to vote. We are determined to overcome this voter suppression.

We will be active in 15 Northwest Florida and 10 Southwest Georgia counties – long neglected by conventional voter registration efforts – partnering with local activists also committed to registering voters. Beginning in March 2021, we walk every Saturday and Sunday and continue until October 2022.

To help us achieve our ambitious goals, please log on to our Support page to volunteer to walk with us, to learn more about local organizing, and contribute money.

Our Work

Who We Are

The Big Bend Voting Rights Project is an unincorporated, nonpartisan organization of unpaid volunteers committed to registering voters in all counties of northwest Florida and south Georgia.

We have no officers, by-laws or tax-exempt status. Instead we focus on our core mission of finding and registering voters, regardless of their party preference. We make decisions by consensus and are open to anyone willing to volunteer their time and efforts.

We meet weekly, 1:00 PM every Monday virtually by Zoom to discuss our progress and organize future drives, and invite anyone interested to participate.

Although based in Leon County, we partner with activists in other counties to conduct voter registration drives using local volunteers. In north Florida so far, we have operated in Gadsden, Jackson, Jefferson, Madison, Suwannee, Taylor, Franklin, Gulf, Bay and Washington counties. In south Georgia, we have operated in Decatur, Grady, Thomas, Brooks and Lowndes counties.

About Us